This light novel was given to me for free by Cross Infinite World in exchange for an honest review.
Why am I reading it? The main thing that made me pick up this light novel was the main premise. Our main character, Kannon, is dropped into a world where singing is seen as an ominous thing to do and most have never so much as heard a song in their lives. As someone with a childhood in different musical theatre groups and hates going a few days without being able to stick headphones on and blast music down my ears this distressed me. I had to find out how a world like that survived.
What is it? I've kinda answered this question above, haven't I? My Favorite Song in a fantasy light novel.
What are the characters like? Defiantly a mixed bag. Just take a look at this beautiful character page and have a look at them:

It was interesting to read about all of them. The books itself is written first person, present tense (something I've struggled with so I've learned a lot from this book writing wise) from the point of view of our main character Kannon. As she's from our world it's a nice relatable look into this world.
Anyone in particular? I can't say I had a particular favourite character in this book. I was quite excited when Serene came in, badass Merc lady but she had a personality quirk that kinda burst my bubble and put me off her again. I'm a bit sad at the characters I started to love, Breit and Laut if only because it questionable if we will see them again in the series. Brett is a reliable bodyguard for the religious leader of a country in turmoil. He ticked many of the boxes for me, young but carrying a heavy burden, a poor boy who just needs to cut himself some slack cause he's doing a great job but it's never enough for him. And Laut I loved for his innocents. The world this book paints is not a nice one. Poor Kannon does not have a nice time but Laut, the younger brother of the religious leader and is a small ray of sunshine in comparison to the rest of the book.
What's the bad news? I had hoped my major issue with this book would be addressed with the authors Afterward but it wasn't so I'm left feeling a bit conflicted about it. Kannon travels to a country called Verk which is basically fantasy Africa, going through the horrible times of slavery and plantations. My issue is that the people there are called 'The people of darkness'. As much as I'm happy for the author to make a commentary on racism and history it just felt a bit on the nose with that name.
Good news? On the other hand, I can also say this book did not hold back. The world building paints a picture very quickly of a realistic world with its own troubles, prejudice and wars. Everything has believable names, we get to see the stark contrast between two different countries. Details like food, drink and climate make for a wonderfully built and full fantasy world. I also love that as much as 'magic' as we know is it a thing in that world whenever Kannon refers to it as magic people get confused. It helped to disconnect this world even more from our own. There are a few little details that really get across cultures and variety in the world.
Would you recommend? I think it's worth a read if you're into fantasy, though you should be prepared for the darker tone the book takes in its second half.
My favourite song: The Silver Siren is available on Amazon. You can find it here.