So, I may have forgotten to post an update last month...
I had it drafted up just didn't press post...
Anyway! Here's an update for the first two months of 2022!
This so far, on YouTube:
The first time doing someone else's work and it was fun. I have a few books in mind that I would like to do similar videos for so look out for more!
I also uploaded A Gnome Went to Work and discovered the YouTube audio library in the process to make it somehow more sad.
So, in December's update I told you that I had a free promo in January and it has gone very, very well. Moon Girl 1 was free for just over a week or so and
nearly 1000 copies were claimed!
The total number in the end was 949 and 700 of that was in one day! Can't believe how well it has gone. After trying so many times to master this marketing this it's wonderful to have one success. Here's hoping that some of those people actually read the book and come back for the sequels.
I've also entered a writing competition. It's to write a short story in 10 days based on prompts they sent to me. There are even cash prices for this so wish me luck! I'm not sure when the winners get announced but I'll keep you posted.
This month Patreon got access to a the start of a story that's probably never going to see the light of day but I'm thought they may enjoy. Due to starting Moon 7 and being able to see the end of Moon Girl I've started to think of what big project is next. The one shared with Patreon was a potential for that but just isn't right for it, so I've decided to share the first few chapters with patreon over the next few months.
Policework is Hell, is about a sci-fi police chief being stuck with a strange little kid and a stranger still murder case.
Patreons also got access to bloopers from the recording of my YouTube video, early access to the next video.
Moon Girl 5
Stage: Fourth Draft
Moon 5 has completed it's third draft but is going on hold while I get Moon 6 through it's third. Given the speed I went through Moon 5 and the fact Moon 6 is smaller It should only be a few months.
Moon Girl 6
Stage: Third Draft
Read above
Moon Girl 7
Stage: Planning/First Draft
First draft is going well, however it's going a little fast. Plot has me rushing through when I feel like there needed to be a bit more down time at the start to do some character moments. I'll have to see what I can do but it's do exciting and ahh!
Thanks for reading!