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  • Writer's pictureBriony Rose Smith

Project Updates: February 2021

Hey, guess what? We finally have a moving date at the end of this month so I'm posting my update a bit early and next month may be a little quiet due to getting settled but I'll do my best to get back on my feet fast, get a schedule in place and hopefully be able to move forward on some on my plans finally!



Patreon this month has seen a piece of my editing diary and a piece I wrote a while ago based on a writing prompt from Reddit. McSouls! When a demon and a necromancer come to odds over the contract for a dead person's soul!

It's not technically out yet since this update is a bit early this month but it will be on the 26th. Get access to it by becoming a Patreon:

Moon Girl 5

Stage: Second Draft

It's going well. I've actually managed to make a good bit of progress between Jan and Feb. I'd say I'm nearly halfway through this draft. I'm questioning it, a lot. Moon 5 is its own beast and I can't say I've done anything like it before, so I'm not really sure how it's going to hit but I'm just doing what I can to quiet all that self-doubt. It'll get blown away when it gets to beta reading.

Moon Girl 6

Stage: Planning/First Draft

Honestly, I've not really touched it and I don't think I plan to until I've completed the second draft of 5. Waiting for beta readers will give me time to comb through what I have of 6 and make some more detailed notes on who knows what and where people are which should make progress much smoother later. Favours for future me.

Other works

There has been planning on the other things I want to do. I really hope now I have the house I can schedule the time in and start getting a bit more organised.


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