Why did I start reading it?
I started this one because of the author. I really enjoyed Kay's Miyamon series so I decided to give her fantasy series a go.
What is it?
I've found it so hard to explain this book...but I'll give it a go.
The heirs of power are firstborns of humans chosen to hold the power of ancient spirits and due to this, whether they like it or not, they are not charged with protecting their world from invaders who seek to suck the life from their world for power.
What are the characters like?
So The Heirs, or Consolations are the stars...pun not intended, of the show, however, I only really start to get drawn in when we get three of them. Asher, the third Constellation we meet is finally someone who will talk and banter with Kitty and has a relationship with the other party member so he starts to glue the party together, even if sometimes I loved to hate him.
What's the bad news?
Heir's starts a bit slow. Kitty is kept in the dark for a while before there is a large info dump and she is whisked away on an adventure. It's very abrupt but as soon as we get to Asher the story starts to flow more smoothly.
And the good news?
I don't think I've read a book where the main characters have been in danger too much. There's no breaks and we are long the ride with Kitty as she learns just how much danger she and her companions are in pretty much constantly. It's not their world that is against them but when they are attacked at every turn it feels like it. When all that dawned it was hard to put down the book. I needed to know if they were going to be okay! I still don't know! This is only book one!
Would you recommend?
I honestly haven't read that many straight-up fantasy books so I couldn't tell you if this measures up in that department but I can say that I enjoyed the ride and look forward to picking up book 2!