November has been a great month. Moon Girl 3 is complexly published! Wooo! I can finally draw cute couple drawings as this book was accidentally the book of love as I revealed all three of Moon Girl's main romantic relationships. Other than that main event I've been doing better personally this month too, I've really made a push to better look after my physical and mental health lately so generally I'm feeling better lately.

Moon Girl 3 is here! It's been a pretty successful month for sales. Anyone who has read it if you could leave some reviews on Amazon I would be grateful. They help people find my book and judge whether it's right for them.
I've also launched a Christmas sale for anyone looking to get a cool stocking filler. Get 20% off your order with coupon code XMAS2018 until the 17th. Not long after that, I'm likely going to close my store for over Christmas and new year as I'm likely to be too busy to deliver things. So grab what you want this week!
Click here to start shopping

Other than that I've been making plans for my marketing and events next year. You see, I've planned my dream holiday for next year so a good chunk of my time off work has been used by that and after the holiday I'm wanting to save for a house so I'm limited in both time and budget next year.
To compensate, I've been looking at independent bookshops in Liverpool to hopefully approach in the future to stock Moon Girl. Moon Girl's short stay in Netherworld Chester (RIP) worked well for me and I hope to repeat that success but sadly, there is a grand total of one independent bookshop in Chester so I need to look further afield.
As for cons since my budget is small trying out an MCM con will be nearly impossible and for the past 2 years, Chester Comic Con hasn't really been successful for me so those cons are out the question. I've sent vendor interest to Cox Con again as it was so successful this year. A part of me is a little disappointed as I did want to go as an attendee this year but with the way things are at the moment it just makes more sense to try get the vendor space and attend next year...maybe.
I also got contacted by sci-fi wales though the year but sadly they had their con in the same month as Chester so I had to turn them down as I wasn't sure I had the capacity for two cons in the month (not with a full-time job anyway). I'll likely reach out to them next year and enquire as to their prices and see if I can fit it in my budget.
Sorry, that went on longer than I meant it too...anyway, those are my thoughts for next year. Keep an eye on these updates to find out for sure where I'm going to be and when. I'll also be e-mailing it out so subscribe to my newsletter for important news.
Moon Girl 4
Stage: Second Draft
Moon 4's second draft isn't going quite as fast as I would have liked it but I'm a good two-thirds of the way through and hope to have it done before the new year and had it over to my beta reader as a new year present. I really can't wait to hear the reactions to it. Moon Four was pretty mental to write and such big things happened and argggg. Hype!
Moon Girl 5
Stage: Planning/First Draft
Yup. The story continues. Now that I have completed Moon 4's first draft it's time for me to move on with writing because if I don't have something to write and only have editing to do life is just less fun for me. I'll admit my writing targets have gone out the window a bit this month but that's mainly because I've treated this month like a little break after Moon 4. I'll start getting more serious with Moon 5 next month (though with Christmas I'm not sure I'll hit my target then either).
Other Stories

Magic and Machines Part Four is out on this blog and Tapas and it was really fun to write. Ash gets to show off all her badassery and take down the dragon! I'm starting to put together some exciting plans for the future of Magic and Machines. I'll be waiting until the series is complete on this blog and Tapas before moving forward with it but I'm looking forward to it!
Next month, I'm not sure I'll make to much progress as Christmas and New year are always busy times with much social interaction and drinking and things. I look forward to posting Part Five of magic and machines and pushing forward the plans I have for it, though.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year readers! I probably wont be updating you futher until Janurary so see you on the other side!