I've not got as much done this month as I wanted to to be honest. I've tried by best but mainly due to my mental health I had to put on the breaks a bit. Here's what I've managed to to this month:
So this month I had a table at Chester Comic Con again yay!

It was sadly quite a rainy day so the con in general didn't get as many people as it would have liked and I think that affected my minimal sales. Sadly, with this being an unsuccessful con for a second year going I'm not sure I'm going to apply for next year.
Thank you anyway to the people who came to see me, talked to me about my book and my art etc. It was wonderful talking to you. I'd also like to give a thanks to the stall people who were around my stall because you were really nice and cheered me up when I was a bit down about sales. :)
On top of minimal sales in the con there is a second bit of bad news. Netherworld, the amazing geek haven in Chester that was so kind as to stock my books has closed. I can't tell you how gutted I am. I was really looking forward to some of the events they would have had coming up and am sad I missed the chance to run any kind of book event there :( The shop owner has another shop so at the very least he isn't out of work. It's a shame but I hope the owner all the best. I'm really grateful for the opportunity he gave me in the end, some of the people at Chester comic con even recognized the book beacuse they had seen it in Netherworld.
Moon Girl 3: Guillotine Stage: Final Draft
I haven't been able to finish the proof reading of Moon 3 like I wanted to by this point which is a shame but going full throttle on it while trying to keep up with Moon 4's writing target and life in general just wasn't working and for my own health I had to slow down.
It's not all bad news, at least. As much as the publishing date will now defiantly be in November I did get the cover sorted and the chapter headings. I'm also not far off from finishing the final draft as well. I should have the preview ready for you soon, get yourself signed up to my newsletter to be first to get the preview!
Moon Girl 4 Stage: First Draft
Moon 4 is hard right now. As mentioned in my last update I feel like a draft gets harder and harder the closer to the end I get. I'm enjoying writing it still but it's hard. I haven't managed to hit my writing target this month but in all honesty, I expected that. I might have been able to if I pushed but I would have burned out on writing and that's just something I can't afford to do when I'm starting a fiction masterclass next month.
I look forward to being able to give you the good news of finishing this in the next few months.
Other stories
Good news! finally!

Magic and Machines part two is out! It's hard to work on right now as it's more editing on top of what I already have with Moon 3 buuut it's refreshing to step out of Dreda's world for a bit and enjoy these characters instead. I hope you've been enjoying the adventure so far.
Next month I start a weekly fiction masterclass for a while so it will be interesting to see what new stories I might have for you after the learning. Other than that look forward to the preview of Moon Girl 3 and Part 3 of Magic and Machines!