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  • Writer's pictureBriony Rose Smith

Cox Con 2018

Back from a tiring but awesome weekend at Cox Con!

As mentioned in my post from last year, Cox Con is a really chill con but this time I was not an attendee. I levelled up to a red staff pass and got to vendor at the con!

In terms of my table layout, I tried to learn a bit from Chester Comic Con and limited my table a bit this con. Rather than flooding it with art prints I stuck to four different ones a day.

Overall the con went really well for me! I really grateful to have managed to get a table, even if it was very last minute and organised through twitter!

I did get a chance to look round the exhibition hall a bit too. I got to play 'Just Shapes and Beats' that I have been dying to play since I watched Jessie's video and it was really fun (but I'm really glad I had teammates cause it was also super hard!). The music from the game was also nice and abient throughout the con, even if the mortal combat secret level did get a little annoying by the end.

There were also some people at the con just handing things out...well two and I never got a duck so... One had loads of little 3d printed versions of Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur for people to start their pokemon adventures. We all picked separately but somehow my boyfriend ended up with a Charmander, my friend ended up with a Squirtle and I ended up with a Bulbasaur. Sounded like the start of a cool pokemon adventure!

On top of that, a cosplay stall was pushing a new product that was moldable foam. They came round the con giving people some to play with and with it, I evolved my Bulba into a big boy!

Everyone who came to see me at my table were really nice too. I'll never get over just how friendly people are at this con! It was a nice con for the slightly socially awkward me to figure out the best way to sell my book. Special thanks to the two people who came to tell me they were enjoying the book after reading a few chapters too, that means a lot to me!

I left the con three books away from selling out and that was plenty for me. Thank you to everyone who brought a book, I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Thank you to Jessie and the con organisers who put everything together it was a great weekend!


I have a link to last year's Cox Con at the top's a link to my blog post of Liverpool Comic Con from this year!

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